Blaze trust founded on 25th September 2003 and adopted “Karunai Illam” an orphanage home. The trust initiated its activities with the orphanage home by appointing a teacher to conduct classes for the children’s education betterment. However the trust envisaged working with similar vulnerable communities such as children, people with disabilities, elderly, women and the vulnerable communities.
In the year 2007, in the month of June, blaze trust, started its foray in the field of micro credit. While creating awareness on the importance of education in rural areas like Telungupalayam, LIC colony etc. The volunteers identified children dropped out from school. On enquiring the same, they found that due to family’s poor economic condition the parents were not in a position to send them to school regularly. The trustees felt the urgent need to enable the children to continue their education without break. They then organized a meeting with their parents who requested the trustees to help them by providing small education loans at a low rate of interest so as to help sending their children back to school. Then the trustees took loans from friends and relatives, with, the sole purpose of providing loans to the parents of 90 school dropout children, for their re-enrolment into school. Thereby, starting, the trust’s journey into the field of microcredit.